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Creating Healthy Personal Relationships (EN)

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Disagreements are a part of every relationship. However, they are never an excuse for violence and abuse. Healthy relationships are built on love, respect, caring and happiness. If your partner’s behaviour is disrespectful and hurtful to you and your children, then you must decide how to set things right. That might mean counselling for you, your partner or both of you, dealing with addiction problems, calling the police, getting legal advice, or just going some place safe to think about what you want to do. You and your partner may be able to get the help you need to make positive changes and create a healthy relationship that makes everyone in the family feel respected, happy and safe. Or, you may have to leave the relationship to find safety, happiness and peace. This booklet is for anyone who wants more information about dealing with abuse or violence in a personal relationship. It includes an overview of the legal rights of Aboriginal women on reserves. Although men can be victims of spousal violence too, it usually is women and children. The booklet discusses how the community, the courts, and the police can help. Everyone deserves to live without fear of violence.

How do I know if my relationship with my partner is not healthy? There are many signs of a hurtful, unhealthy relationship. Ask yourself, does my partner:

• get very jealous when I am around other people?

• make fun of me in front of friends and family?

• destroy or threaten to destroy my things?

• ask me not to spend any time with my family or friends?

• put me down or blame me when things go wrong?

• call me names and threaten to hurt me?

• threaten to take the children from me?

• push me around or hit me?

• take away control of all of the money?